Friday 12 December 2014

Western Theosophy

Western Theosophy.

When we do speak in all, and of Western Theosophy, we are in all and amicably here perhaps, attempting to tell many a person in Africa, and of the very kind of relations, that they might very much care or wish in all, and to have with many a person outside Africa too, and in speak even of Symbology that is.

That in all, and in speaking now of the Western World, the very belief that, Western Diplomacy is now in all even said to speak of the United States of America & the UK/England, and as with they now in all even, said associated and with History in itself too, and as said to speak even of the Secret or Hidden History of the World (and by many a group and that does in all even associate the condition the World does find itself today in, and with speak of Conspiracy that is), in that, Western Diplomacy does in all even attempt to truly re-invent the World, and in speak even of ties, bonds & relations in themselves too (and if not Contact, and as said Social too that is), but Diplomacy in all again, and that does even associate Success, and with a firm Knowledge of History, and as including speak even of Commodities Trading for instance [Link].

Western Theosophy though, does in all even differ from Western Diplomacy, or speak even of the Western World at large in all, for while the Western World does in all even present itself, and in speak even of Institution, and as said International too for instance, and in further speak even here, and of the known example of International Educational Facilities too, Western Theosophy on the otherhand, does now in all again, serve two functions it is believed, and in speak even of African Symbology that is.

That in all and firstly said too perhaps, speak here and of Western Theosophy, and as in all even attempting to reconnect us and to History in itself, and in a manner/way one would in all find promising, and as it does in all even attempt to present in the very least, anything said of Importance or Significance too, and in History that is, and if not History in itself, and in a rather positive manner, and that does speak even of Biographical works that is. Secondly said, speak now even, and of Western Theosophy, and as truly redefining in all, the very manner we do perceive Time, for while Western Diplomacy and the Western World in all again, does appear to define Power in all, and in speak even of Resources in themselves (and as said speaking even of Human Resources too), Western Theosophy does in all believe that, the mastering of Time, and in Meaning too, does in all even, speak, and of what does stand for or represent for Success, and in the World we do live in today that is.