Wednesday 10 December 2014

Spain, France, Italy & Africa

Spain, France, Italy  & Africa.

This entry, will now deal in all, and with African Perceptions, and of History, and as with it all even speaking of the very best manner, or way in all, and of viewing the World today in all again, and from very much even, a Historical perspective in all that is. That there is many a way, and for Africans in all, to in all again best view their World, and as in speak even for instance, and of what does constitute for Local Development that is. In all again, speak and of why one, would in all, ask for ones Governments perhaps, to set up a Local Office in all, and one that does meet all of ones demands that is.

Speak here in all, and of History in all again, and as viewed in all even, and from a perspective that does speak of what in all, does constitute and for African Materiality in itself that is [and as with it all even going along in all perhaps, and with speak of Assets and Liabilities too that is]. That for instance, in viewing History, World History too, and from speak even of Spain, now does speak in all even and of viewing it all, and from speak too of Blood & Acrimony (a view too believed to speak, but falsely in many a way too, and of the History of the United States of America that is), but that in all ways even, does now speak of Africans, and as said primarily even viewing themselves, and in speak of the history of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa too that is.

In viewing History and as said even French, speak in all, and of the World and as said 'Charted Out' (and not 'Mapped Out' truly either), in that, it does now refer and to Portuguese Presences in Africa that is, or speak even, and of the very world in all, and of said African Presences, and as to be seen all over the World that is [and as including speak even of the History of Leadership, and in the Middle East too that is][Link].

In viewing History now, and as said even Italian too perhaps, now does speak even of Contact in itself, and as said even Regional, Political or even Cultural too, in that, it does not only speak perhaps, and of Mercantilism for instance, but in all ways even, Mercantilism too, and as associated with Africa, now speaking of just about any form or kind in all, and of favourable Publishing, and about Africa, and in speak of its History too that is [Link1, Link2]. In all though, History in many a way, now viewed in all, and in speak truly even, and of the very manner one does in all even, define, Engagement, and in their very lives too that is.

The above manners though, and of Africa and as said pretty much viewing itself in all, and in speak too even of World History that is, and as with regards to speak even of Development, are believed in all even said Lucklustre in itself that is. That in all even, they are simply believed today (and in a World said "Mapped Out' too in all), to in all again not provide and for the excitement in all, truly needed, and in having many a person enthusiastic in all, and about helping Develop Africa that is. 

In many a way now, speak too here perhaps, and of the very world of the African Poet, or speak even and of Symbology in itself, and as an interesting manner or way and of viewing Development in all, and in Africa too that is, and that does speak even, of Africans, and as viewing Development in Africa, and in speak too of Symbol that is [and alongside speak here even of the History of Japan, Egypt, and even the United States of America too that is].

In many a way though, all this even and as truly calling for Africans in all, and to truly ponder, what manner or way is best in all again said, and to speak of History in itself, and as with regards even, and to Development too, and as said even Local inits ways, and if not Regional too that is, and in a World today, very much dominated in all again and by Media, and that does in all even possess or harbour in all, many a Global or International Tone/sentiment to it all that is, but that in all again, speak even now, and of the Bantu people of Africa, and as providing for a differing manner in all again, and of viewing History, and as said African, and very much even from speak of Local Development too that is [below:]