Sunday 7 December 2014



This entry in all, will attempt to speak of society in all perhaps, and if not Family, and from a perspective in all, and that does speak even of Family Lineages in themselves [and if not speak of the defining of a Generational Family Wealth in itself too that is]. That this in all again, does now speak of society, and as very much even associated, and with many an Initiation Ritual/Rite, and by which life is experienced and in speak of certain said forms/kinds of Pain & Suffering, in that, one in all goes through life, and while knowing many a thing, and not another that is [and in speak now truly even, and of the very rise even, and of Egyptian Civilization, and as versus that said Nubian too that is].

In speak of Africa then, and as described above, speak now, and of African life, and as perceived and as of interest to some, and in speak in all even, and of Africans, and as perceived in all again, and as possessing that is, Healthy bodies in all (and if not Healthy Minds too), and as going along in all even, and with the very beliefs they do possess or hold that is.

That societies in all again, and as said built on Custom in itself, and in speak too of the experiencing pf life, and via speak even of knowing one thing, another, and not many another said thing in all (and as believed even said depressing to know), it all then does speak of life and as built on Custom, believed more interesting, and than that said built on Policy too, or truthfully in all even, and as compared to that simply said to speak of Networks/Systems that is [and in speak too that is, and in a Cumulative effect/stance in all, and of the knowing of many an interesting or wonderful thing, minimal or small in its ways too, and as compared to the knowing of many a thing, grand in all, and as having a basis and in speak and of the arrival for instance].