Monday 8 December 2014



This entry in all, will deal and with what most do believe to be a pertinent issue/matter in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of Africa's Future that is. That it does in all even, speak of the very manner or way, and by which, Africans, are said know each other in all that is. That this in all again, does truly refer even, and to speak of Neo-Colonialism in all, and further speak too, and of the very Evil that does in all follow it and in tow perhaps, and in speak too and of Africans, and simply said Thriving, and not Reliant or Sufficient truly either [that most out there, do in all even present History and the Future of Civilization in all, and in speak of Reliance and Sufficiency too, and as versus the better model of viewing History in all, and as often presented and in speak of Europe, and which does in all now speak of Africa, and as simply said defining itself, and in speak of the term Thriving that is].

To understand all this better, is to now in all even, speak of the varying Importance in all, that society today, Modern/Western, is simply said to place, and in speak of Technology too that is. That in all again, what exactly is Technology? Some will tell you in plain speak that, it is simply said a Device, a Tool , a Gadget or even Equipment too perhaps, and which in all again, does in all even speak of Efficiency, Ease or even Probability in itself too. In speak of others though, and in speak of the Blogger here too, and in further speak of Emotion too that is, Technology in all now, and as simply said redefining Satisfaction in our lives that is.

In all, when one does speak of Sankofa, an Akan/Ashanti word/term too in all, one in many a way too, is simply discussing the very best of manners or ways, and by which Africans in all perhaps, do know each other that is. That in all again, and in speak of Neo-Colonialism too, Africa today in all, and in speak of Media too, very much in all Inundated, and by Images in all again, and that do not only speak of Neo-Colonialism in all, and as with regards to what they do in all Reference perhaps [that in all again and in the very least here too perhaps, Africans in all, and as still very much struggling to know each other, and in speak of 'Black African' Identity too, and in a manner or way, that is simply said Progressive in all perhaps, and in speak now for instance, and of European terms too in all, and such as Baroque or Renaissance too that is]. In all, Africans today, and as said in all even building upon Images, and that do in all even speak of Slavery in the Americas, Colonialism, or even speak of terms/phrases and such as 'Black Success'/'Black Empowerment' too that is.

In all, what manner or way, is said best to speak of Africa in the very least, and as said Thriving that is, and in speak here in all, and of the very manner or way, and by which we do know each other, and in speak here too for instance, and of Expressionisms/Popularisms, and as having defined progress or success in past African societies, or speak even now, and of Salutations too for instance, and in speak even and of Moors in Europe too that is.

In all again, a big problem faced and as said presented here generically in all, and as with regards to ones perceptions of Africa's Future, and as it does in all even speak of tackling widespread it is believed, brainwashing or programming in all, and of the Masses in Africa too, and with speak even of many an Image or Word perhaps, and that does in all even speak of Africans in all, and as foreseeably said Humourous in their ways/manners that is.

In all again, speak of an African Dream for instance, now speaking in all and not of the very manner we relate to each other, but speak in all and of how we do know each other that is, and as in speak of the fore-warning for instance, and as with it all even said believed associated and with speak of African Culture, and in the form of Relics too that is [and further speak here even perhaps, and of Haiti in all, and the term/phrase 'the Black Jacobites' for instance].