Thursday 4 December 2014



When one does talk of Censure or Censuring in all, we are in all even now referring or speaking in all again, and of the harmful and if not disastrous in all even, impact, that Media today, and if not speak of Modern Technology too, has had, and on the African Psyche, and as said in all even Historical too that is [or speak too even, and of the eroding/erosion in all, and of African Traditional Forums in themselves, and such as speak even and of Ubuntu too that is].

That this in all even, and problematically speaking here too perhaps, does speak in all too, and of the very said traditional manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and as said a Continent too, and as with it all even referring and to speak of Censure/Censuring in itself that is. That Africa, is historically in all even, associated with many a said enigmatic Famed Figure in all, and in speak too for instance, and of Cetewayo, (King) Shaka, Sundiata, Imhotep, Akhenaten, 'Montezuma', Nefertiti, Toussaint L'Overture, and if not speak of Numidia, Hannibal and the Punic Wars too that is. That this in all was simply said Africa, and in speak of African Culture too in all, and as said truly grounded in all again, and in speak of Censure, and if not Symbology/Name too that is.

The very introduction though and of Modern Technology in all, and into Africa, has had a huge impact, and in the undermining or eroding away in all, and of African Culture, and as said tospeak even, and of African Traditional Forums that is. Forums too, truly associated in all, and with the inbreeding in all perhaps, and of African Leadership that is, and such that, most of these in all, African Forums that is, are poorly perceived by most, and as with they in all even not often perceived, and as said grounded in all and in speak of Sacred Spaces too, and such that, the ineffectiveness of these Spaces, and as with regards to speak of Africa and as associated with speak of Slavery or Colonialism too, does now in all even associate, Wrestling in all, African, and with African Sacred Spaces too that is. in all perhaps, speak even and of such Spaces, Sacred too, and as associated and with whom/who in all, Africans are, and with Contact too and in the least, and such that, Myth in all, does speak even, and of such African Sacred Spaces, and as often used now to communicate, and with believed said to exist, Extraterrestrial beings for instance, and in speak too, and of the very origins of Civilization, and as discerned in all and in speak of 'Myths of origins' too for instance.

In all now, the African Memory in itself, and as often associated and with Censure/Censuring that is, believed said endangered in its ways, and such that, African Beliefs and in other Worlds for instance, do in all even speak of Censure, but in all again, speak here even and of the Ancestral Realms too, African, but that in all ways even now, speak too and of those who do believe, African Civilization, and as often said truly Coded in its ways actually, now facing many a difficulty in all, and in becoming Manifest too that is, and in speak now, and of Intelligence and as said to speak of Codes, and further speak too, and of Aimlessness, and as now said integral, and in defining Modern African Identities that is.