Friday 12 December 2014

Forests of Gold

Forests of Gold.

African Communications

African Communications.

What in many a way is believed to in all speak for, or in all again embody in all perhaps, a life, and as said lived in all even, and in speak of Symbology, and the very musings in all, and that do accompany it that is? In many a way, and in speak even of giving a said Continuity to ones life, and in speak even of Re-Incarnation and as simply understood in all, speak here now perhaps, and of life, and in speak even of terms and such as Destiny, and as said in all even Culminating, and in speak even of Localized Communications, and as furtherly even speaking of the Priest, and in role too, and as said African, and in speak of African Religion too that is [that in all, ones life is said to wind down in all, and in speak in all even and of Death in itself that is, but in speak of preparation too, and with the associating oneself, and with Communications, and that are said Localized, speak even of the African Priest, and alongside speak even of Destiny and as said even a High Concept in all, and that does in all even truly define Ashanti/Akan Religion in itself that is].

Western Theosophy

Western Theosophy.

When we do speak in all, and of Western Theosophy, we are in all and amicably here perhaps, attempting to tell many a person in Africa, and of the very kind of relations, that they might very much care or wish in all, and to have with many a person outside Africa too, and in speak even of Symbology that is.

That in all, and in speaking now of the Western World, the very belief that, Western Diplomacy is now in all even said to speak of the United States of America & the UK/England, and as with they now in all even, said associated and with History in itself too, and as said to speak even of the Secret or Hidden History of the World (and by many a group and that does in all even associate the condition the World does find itself today in, and with speak of Conspiracy that is), in that, Western Diplomacy does in all even attempt to truly re-invent the World, and in speak even of ties, bonds & relations in themselves too (and if not Contact, and as said Social too that is), but Diplomacy in all again, and that does even associate Success, and with a firm Knowledge of History, and as including speak even of Commodities Trading for instance [Link].

Western Theosophy though, does in all even differ from Western Diplomacy, or speak even of the Western World at large in all, for while the Western World does in all even present itself, and in speak even of Institution, and as said International too for instance, and in further speak even here, and of the known example of International Educational Facilities too, Western Theosophy on the otherhand, does now in all again, serve two functions it is believed, and in speak even of African Symbology that is.

That in all and firstly said too perhaps, speak here and of Western Theosophy, and as in all even attempting to reconnect us and to History in itself, and in a manner/way one would in all find promising, and as it does in all even attempt to present in the very least, anything said of Importance or Significance too, and in History that is, and if not History in itself, and in a rather positive manner, and that does speak even of Biographical works that is. Secondly said, speak now even, and of Western Theosophy, and as truly redefining in all, the very manner we do perceive Time, for while Western Diplomacy and the Western World in all again, does appear to define Power in all, and in speak even of Resources in themselves (and as said speaking even of Human Resources too), Western Theosophy does in all believe that, the mastering of Time, and in Meaning too, does in all even, speak, and of what does stand for or represent for Success, and in the World we do live in today that is.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Spain, France, Italy & Africa

Spain, France, Italy  & Africa.

This entry, will now deal in all, and with African Perceptions, and of History, and as with it all even speaking of the very best manner, or way in all, and of viewing the World today in all again, and from very much even, a Historical perspective in all that is. That there is many a way, and for Africans in all, to in all again best view their World, and as in speak even for instance, and of what does constitute for Local Development that is. In all again, speak and of why one, would in all, ask for ones Governments perhaps, to set up a Local Office in all, and one that does meet all of ones demands that is.

Speak here in all, and of History in all again, and as viewed in all even, and from a perspective that does speak of what in all, does constitute and for African Materiality in itself that is [and as with it all even going along in all perhaps, and with speak of Assets and Liabilities too that is]. That for instance, in viewing History, World History too, and from speak even of Spain, now does speak in all even and of viewing it all, and from speak too of Blood & Acrimony (a view too believed to speak, but falsely in many a way too, and of the History of the United States of America that is), but that in all ways even, does now speak of Africans, and as said primarily even viewing themselves, and in speak of the history of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa too that is.

In viewing History and as said even French, speak in all, and of the World and as said 'Charted Out' (and not 'Mapped Out' truly either), in that, it does now refer and to Portuguese Presences in Africa that is, or speak even, and of the very world in all, and of said African Presences, and as to be seen all over the World that is [and as including speak even of the History of Leadership, and in the Middle East too that is][Link].

In viewing History now, and as said even Italian too perhaps, now does speak even of Contact in itself, and as said even Regional, Political or even Cultural too, in that, it does not only speak perhaps, and of Mercantilism for instance, but in all ways even, Mercantilism too, and as associated with Africa, now speaking of just about any form or kind in all, and of favourable Publishing, and about Africa, and in speak of its History too that is [Link1, Link2]. In all though, History in many a way, now viewed in all, and in speak truly even, and of the very manner one does in all even, define, Engagement, and in their very lives too that is.

The above manners though, and of Africa and as said pretty much viewing itself in all, and in speak too even of World History that is, and as with regards to speak even of Development, are believed in all even said Lucklustre in itself that is. That in all even, they are simply believed today (and in a World said "Mapped Out' too in all), to in all again not provide and for the excitement in all, truly needed, and in having many a person enthusiastic in all, and about helping Develop Africa that is. 

In many a way now, speak too here perhaps, and of the very world of the African Poet, or speak even and of Symbology in itself, and as an interesting manner or way and of viewing Development in all, and in Africa too that is, and that does speak even, of Africans, and as viewing Development in Africa, and in speak too of Symbol that is [and alongside speak here even of the History of Japan, Egypt, and even the United States of America too that is].

In many a way though, all this even and as truly calling for Africans in all, and to truly ponder, what manner or way is best in all again said, and to speak of History in itself, and as with regards even, and to Development too, and as said even Local inits ways, and if not Regional too that is, and in a World today, very much dominated in all again and by Media, and that does in all even possess or harbour in all, many a Global or International Tone/sentiment to it all that is, but that in all again, speak even now, and of the Bantu people of Africa, and as providing for a differing manner in all again, and of viewing History, and as said African, and very much even from speak of Local Development too that is [below:]

Monday 8 December 2014



This entry in all, will deal and with what most do believe to be a pertinent issue/matter in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of Africa's Future that is. That it does in all even, speak of the very manner or way, and by which, Africans, are said know each other in all that is. That this in all again, does truly refer even, and to speak of Neo-Colonialism in all, and further speak too, and of the very Evil that does in all follow it and in tow perhaps, and in speak too and of Africans, and simply said Thriving, and not Reliant or Sufficient truly either [that most out there, do in all even present History and the Future of Civilization in all, and in speak of Reliance and Sufficiency too, and as versus the better model of viewing History in all, and as often presented and in speak of Europe, and which does in all now speak of Africa, and as simply said defining itself, and in speak of the term Thriving that is].

To understand all this better, is to now in all even, speak of the varying Importance in all, that society today, Modern/Western, is simply said to place, and in speak of Technology too that is. That in all again, what exactly is Technology? Some will tell you in plain speak that, it is simply said a Device, a Tool , a Gadget or even Equipment too perhaps, and which in all again, does in all even speak of Efficiency, Ease or even Probability in itself too. In speak of others though, and in speak of the Blogger here too, and in further speak of Emotion too that is, Technology in all now, and as simply said redefining Satisfaction in our lives that is.

In all, when one does speak of Sankofa, an Akan/Ashanti word/term too in all, one in many a way too, is simply discussing the very best of manners or ways, and by which Africans in all perhaps, do know each other that is. That in all again, and in speak of Neo-Colonialism too, Africa today in all, and in speak of Media too, very much in all Inundated, and by Images in all again, and that do not only speak of Neo-Colonialism in all, and as with regards to what they do in all Reference perhaps [that in all again and in the very least here too perhaps, Africans in all, and as still very much struggling to know each other, and in speak of 'Black African' Identity too, and in a manner or way, that is simply said Progressive in all perhaps, and in speak now for instance, and of European terms too in all, and such as Baroque or Renaissance too that is]. In all, Africans today, and as said in all even building upon Images, and that do in all even speak of Slavery in the Americas, Colonialism, or even speak of terms/phrases and such as 'Black Success'/'Black Empowerment' too that is.

In all, what manner or way, is said best to speak of Africa in the very least, and as said Thriving that is, and in speak here in all, and of the very manner or way, and by which we do know each other, and in speak here too for instance, and of Expressionisms/Popularisms, and as having defined progress or success in past African societies, or speak even now, and of Salutations too for instance, and in speak even and of Moors in Europe too that is.

In all again, a big problem faced and as said presented here generically in all, and as with regards to ones perceptions of Africa's Future, and as it does in all even speak of tackling widespread it is believed, brainwashing or programming in all, and of the Masses in Africa too, and with speak even of many an Image or Word perhaps, and that does in all even speak of Africans in all, and as foreseeably said Humourous in their ways/manners that is.

In all again, speak of an African Dream for instance, now speaking in all and not of the very manner we relate to each other, but speak in all and of how we do know each other that is, and as in speak of the fore-warning for instance, and as with it all even said believed associated and with speak of African Culture, and in the form of Relics too that is [and further speak here even perhaps, and of Haiti in all, and the term/phrase 'the Black Jacobites' for instance].

Sunday 7 December 2014



This entry in all, will attempt to speak of society in all perhaps, and if not Family, and from a perspective in all, and that does speak even of Family Lineages in themselves [and if not speak of the defining of a Generational Family Wealth in itself too that is]. That this in all again, does now speak of society, and as very much even associated, and with many an Initiation Ritual/Rite, and by which life is experienced and in speak of certain said forms/kinds of Pain & Suffering, in that, one in all goes through life, and while knowing many a thing, and not another that is [and in speak now truly even, and of the very rise even, and of Egyptian Civilization, and as versus that said Nubian too that is].

In speak of Africa then, and as described above, speak now, and of African life, and as perceived and as of interest to some, and in speak in all even, and of Africans, and as perceived in all again, and as possessing that is, Healthy bodies in all (and if not Healthy Minds too), and as going along in all even, and with the very beliefs they do possess or hold that is.

That societies in all again, and as said built on Custom in itself, and in speak too of the experiencing pf life, and via speak even of knowing one thing, another, and not many another said thing in all (and as believed even said depressing to know), it all then does speak of life and as built on Custom, believed more interesting, and than that said built on Policy too, or truthfully in all even, and as compared to that simply said to speak of Networks/Systems that is [and in speak too that is, and in a Cumulative effect/stance in all, and of the knowing of many an interesting or wonderful thing, minimal or small in its ways too, and as compared to the knowing of many a thing, grand in all, and as having a basis and in speak and of the arrival for instance].

Saturday 6 December 2014

African Carvings

African Carvings.

When we do speak of African Carvings in all, and as believed even said to go along in all or speak truly even, and of African Symbology too, is to in all even now, speak of the very word/term Concern/Agency, and as said in all even, and to very much define African lives, and as speaking in all even, and of just about any said moment too, and if not all of them that is.

Thursday 4 December 2014



When one does talk of Censure or Censuring in all, we are in all even now referring or speaking in all again, and of the harmful and if not disastrous in all even, impact, that Media today, and if not speak of Modern Technology too, has had, and on the African Psyche, and as said in all even Historical too that is [or speak too even, and of the eroding/erosion in all, and of African Traditional Forums in themselves, and such as speak even and of Ubuntu too that is].

That this in all even, and problematically speaking here too perhaps, does speak in all too, and of the very said traditional manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and as said a Continent too, and as with it all even referring and to speak of Censure/Censuring in itself that is. That Africa, is historically in all even, associated with many a said enigmatic Famed Figure in all, and in speak too for instance, and of Cetewayo, (King) Shaka, Sundiata, Imhotep, Akhenaten, 'Montezuma', Nefertiti, Toussaint L'Overture, and if not speak of Numidia, Hannibal and the Punic Wars too that is. That this in all was simply said Africa, and in speak of African Culture too in all, and as said truly grounded in all again, and in speak of Censure, and if not Symbology/Name too that is.

The very introduction though and of Modern Technology in all, and into Africa, has had a huge impact, and in the undermining or eroding away in all, and of African Culture, and as said tospeak even, and of African Traditional Forums that is. Forums too, truly associated in all, and with the inbreeding in all perhaps, and of African Leadership that is, and such that, most of these in all, African Forums that is, are poorly perceived by most, and as with they in all even not often perceived, and as said grounded in all and in speak of Sacred Spaces too, and such that, the ineffectiveness of these Spaces, and as with regards to speak of Africa and as associated with speak of Slavery or Colonialism too, does now in all even associate, Wrestling in all, African, and with African Sacred Spaces too that is. in all perhaps, speak even and of such Spaces, Sacred too, and as associated and with whom/who in all, Africans are, and with Contact too and in the least, and such that, Myth in all, does speak even, and of such African Sacred Spaces, and as often used now to communicate, and with believed said to exist, Extraterrestrial beings for instance, and in speak too, and of the very origins of Civilization, and as discerned in all and in speak of 'Myths of origins' too for instance.

In all now, the African Memory in itself, and as often associated and with Censure/Censuring that is, believed said endangered in its ways, and such that, African Beliefs and in other Worlds for instance, do in all even speak of Censure, but in all again, speak here even and of the Ancestral Realms too, African, but that in all ways even now, speak too and of those who do believe, African Civilization, and as often said truly Coded in its ways actually, now facing many a difficulty in all, and in becoming Manifest too that is, and in speak now, and of Intelligence and as said to speak of Codes, and further speak too, and of Aimlessness, and as now said integral, and in defining Modern African Identities that is.

African Themes

African Themes.

When we do speak of Themes here, we are in all again, simply speaking even, and of the very said process too, and of slowly or gradually in all, opening up to life, and in speak of its promises, its defeats, or even in speak and of reluctance in itself too that is. That in all, when one does speak of Themes, and as with regards to speak of Africa in all, one is in all even now, speaking of African Identity, and as said in all even African, Non-African or even Un-African too, and in speak too of the desperate attempt to in all again, seek out truly, the most in all perhaps, and of authentic or genuine of African Experiences/Expression/Emotion that is [and as something believed in all again, historically too, and to speak of the Healing in itself that is][and in speak too, and of life in all, and as said Worthwhile in its ways for instance].

In all, something not too easy to grasp or explain, but the attempt here will be made, and in saying that, African Symbology, and as going along in all even and with speak of Themes, does in all even associate speak of Symbols in all, and with speak of 'Light' and 'Sound' too, and as said to refer or speak truly in all, and of Intelligence in itself that is. That this in all, and in speak of African Symbology too, does speak of the Sun or the Moon, and as perceived and as said Symbol too, and Symbol, and that does speak of Intelligence, and as going along truly, or associated truly that is, and with speak of 'Light', and if not 'Sound' in itself that is.

In having said this, the very belief that, African Symbols and that do speak of African Symbology, can very well be associated, and with our Perceptions in all, and of 'Light' or 'Sound' too, and as said Intelligence in itself, and in speak perhaps, of one and as associating a Carving, African, and of an Elephant too perhaps, and with what some do term a Livelihood that is. 

In all perhaps, speak now and of African life, and as perceived and from speak even of Morbidity in itself, in that, African Symbology, and as often associated in all even, and with speak of 'Light' or 'Sound', does speak of just about anything, classified, and under African Symbology in all, and as said now directly in all even influencing one, and in speak of ones Perceptions of 'Light' and 'Sound' too (and as said Intelligence that is), and in truly helping make the defining in all, and of African Identity, and as probably said even Cosmological/Sentimental too, something rather difficult to attain that is [and in speak too of an alternate known to exist, base African Psychology/Identity in all, and that does speak in all even, and of the African Experience, and as said to intimately refer or speak in all even, and of Escapism in itself too that is].

Wednesday 3 December 2014



When one does hear of Blasphemy, many in all, then do tend in all again, and to associate it all, and with Religion, and that does speak even of the Swear, the Curse, or speak truly even and of the Profane in itself too that is. African Philosophy though, and as often associated with African Symbology, is known to struggle, and with what does constitute for the Blasphemous, or Blasphemy in itself too, and in speak too of the Sacrilege, Heresy, Desecration, Execration, Obscenity, Dissidence etc.

In all, the very attempt to define Africa as above, is often met with Ridicule and if not Mockery in itself, and in speak too, and of the very best manner/way, and in defining the African Memory, African Concepts of Time, or speak even, and of the African Mind that is [and as with it even said to speak of African Lineages in all truly].

Tuesday 2 December 2014







(Adu, Helen Folusade)

Italian Symbology

Italian Symbology.

Henry Cele

Henry Cele.

African Symbology

African Symbology.

This Blog, does differ and from many another associated, and with the Blogger here too that is. That this Blog, is said more or less a Project of a kind, and as it does in all even attempt to have many a person, or African truly, truly in all actually interested in themselves, and as a Pretentious person would be, and in speak of African Identity, and as very much even perceived and from a Metaphysical perspective that is [or speak even basically here, and of deciphering the African in all and from speak, and of Motive in itself for instance].

That most in Africa, and with Africa said even Prospering in its ways now, do in all even at the very best, view Africa, and from a Spiritist Tradition in all, and that does in all even speak of Africa, and as said free from all forms or kinds too, and of Prejudice, Racist action, Bigotry, Stereotyping, Bias, Discrimination etc. This manner, way or view though, and of perceiving Africa in all, is believed even said somewhat Sentimental, and if now Detrimental, and in speak too of African Jazz for instance [and outside speak of Miles Davis too in all]. 

That this Blog in all, will attempt to unveil in all perhaps, Africa, and in a manner and that does speak even and of Africans, and as said Unique to the rest that is [or speak too, and of Symbology in all]. For Symbology, is something in all even, intrinsically too, simply often believed said truly African that is, and the very key in all, and to unlocking the very secrets of African Spiritual Wisdom, and in speak too of one, and as living the grandest of lives, and in speak of Convention too for instance. 

That Symbology is believed said truly in many a way, many a thing too, and that the very key to understanding what this Blog, or its Contents too, are truly all about, is in many a way in all, to now speak of, reverting or referring, and to speak of many another Blog hereby in all, and to be viewed or seen/found and under the 'View my complete profile' tab that is. In all, speak here and of Africa, and from the very perspective in all even, and of Geographical References for instance. Take the Blog on Anatolia for instance (Link), and as very much even referencing Egypt in all, or that on African Commerce (Link), and as very much even referencing Kenya/Dahomey/Benin too, or that on Pax Africana (Link), and as in all even referencing the Congo, or speak in all again and of the Compu-List.Africa Blog (Link), and as in all ways even referencing Nigeria too that is. This Blog though, will attempt in all, and to reference the Ashanti/Akan/Ghana world so to speak, and as versus speak in all even, and of a said believed favourable manner in all and of viewing Africa that is, and as believed said even Western/Victorian, and that does speak of referencing Africa in all, and from speak too of Cameroon/Igboid/Igbo-Bantu Identity that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

In all, Symbology, and as believed said even, what does make the Ashanti/Akan world, and of great interest perhaps, and to many who do study Africa in all, and from a Sentimental perspective too, and one too, and that does speak even and of African Definitions of Time in itself, and as often associated and with speak of African/Egyptian Oracles in themselves that is.

What is Symbology though? From an African Religious perspective, base speak here, and of what some do term 'Iaw Pele' for instance. This definition though, is not believed said the best,  and in speak of Clarity too, and as  a basic perspective in all perhaps, and of all this, does speak even and of whom or who in all we are, and when thinking along the lines in all, and of Inclusionism and Exclusionism too that is. That in all, on defining oneself and in speak of Inclusivity/Exclusivity, one can then in all find a Name/Symbol for instance, and to go along in all again, and with ones views of oneself and as such that is. This though, is believed said even, one of the more basic manners of defining Symbology in itself, and as Symbology, and as something truly said African in all, does in all even refer, and to speak, and of the 'unknown' but highly praised world in all again, and of the African Poet, and as with he even believed said to truly surpass he said Greek, Egyptian or Roman/Italian too, Shakespeare in himself, Middleton too, and in speak of the African Unconscious that is. A truly wonderful, marvelous, crazy World in all, the study of Symbology, and as versus that which does speak of Mythos (Myth, Mythology, Mythic) too that is, and as Symbology in all, is believed said Civilization in itself, and as speaking of the Pyramids in Egypt too for instance [that this in all, should not disconcert or make one feel belittled too, and as the very world of Symbology, and the African Unconscious too, is simply said widely varying in all, and away from speak of the Pyramids in Egypt that is][and in speak here too of a many a belief, and held by many too, and who do know of Civilization and as said even Symbolical in its ways, that the ancients in all, did in all recognize the power of Egypt, and in speak now and of defining Human Value, Worth or even Dignity/Merit/Benefit in all that is, and away from speak of Egyptian History in itself too] [and all this too, and as speaking in all even, and of the very History of Oppression and in History in itself, and in speak of those who do understand what Human Value, Human Worth or Human Dignity and in itself in all, does truly represent for or stand for for instance, and that in all even, true Power in itself, does speak of dealing or in all again very much discerning, what Human Value, Worthy and Dignity in all, are said to truly speak of in all perhaps, and in basic speak here for instance, and of what does constitute for Pain, Suffering or even speak of the After-life in itself too that is][or further speak too even, and of words/terms and such as 'Geek' or 'Nerd' too for instance].

In all, Africa, and in speak too of the Celebrity in himself, and as perhaps helping unveil in all even, a whole new Civilization, and for those in all again for instance, who do truly understand what Mythos (Myth, Mythology, Mythic) does truly represent/mean in all (and in speak too for instance and of Tricksters and the path/road to Success), and as Symbology in all again, is often said truly associated, and with History and as associated, and with speak of not only Proverbs & Sayings in themselves, but speak too perhaps, and of the name Anonymous too that is [that the Trickster in all, is Historically simply said Greek, that Symbology and in speak of Name only, does in all even speak of Italy for instance, but that what we are trying to get at here is that, History, is not a well understood Subject in all perhaps, and to many a person too, and unless viewed and from speak even of ancient or traditional norms in all, and of Human Worth, Human Value, or even Human Dignity too perhaps, and such that, History, and as viewed as such, does speak even of Genetic lines for instance, and speak too, and of the very belief that, we do evolve out of 'this World' so to speak, and onwards to a destination and of our preference in all perhaps, and in speaking of Religious Diversity and on this Earth too that is].

In all, speak here perhaps, and of History now, and as best perceived and from speak even of many a Milestone perhaps, and as versus speak of Monuments/Events, Heritage, society or even speak of Figures too that is.