Tuesday 2 December 2014

African Symbology

African Symbology.

This Blog, does differ and from many another associated, and with the Blogger here too that is. That this Blog, is said more or less a Project of a kind, and as it does in all even attempt to have many a person, or African truly, truly in all actually interested in themselves, and as a Pretentious person would be, and in speak of African Identity, and as very much even perceived and from a Metaphysical perspective that is [or speak even basically here, and of deciphering the African in all and from speak, and of Motive in itself for instance].

That most in Africa, and with Africa said even Prospering in its ways now, do in all even at the very best, view Africa, and from a Spiritist Tradition in all, and that does in all even speak of Africa, and as said free from all forms or kinds too, and of Prejudice, Racist action, Bigotry, Stereotyping, Bias, Discrimination etc. This manner, way or view though, and of perceiving Africa in all, is believed even said somewhat Sentimental, and if now Detrimental, and in speak too of African Jazz for instance [and outside speak of Miles Davis too in all]. 

That this Blog in all, will attempt to unveil in all perhaps, Africa, and in a manner and that does speak even and of Africans, and as said Unique to the rest that is [or speak too, and of Symbology in all]. For Symbology, is something in all even, intrinsically too, simply often believed said truly African that is, and the very key in all, and to unlocking the very secrets of African Spiritual Wisdom, and in speak too of one, and as living the grandest of lives, and in speak of Convention too for instance. 

That Symbology is believed said truly in many a way, many a thing too, and that the very key to understanding what this Blog, or its Contents too, are truly all about, is in many a way in all, to now speak of, reverting or referring, and to speak of many another Blog hereby in all, and to be viewed or seen/found and under the 'View my complete profile' tab that is. In all, speak here and of Africa, and from the very perspective in all even, and of Geographical References for instance. Take the Blog on Anatolia for instance (Link), and as very much even referencing Egypt in all, or that on African Commerce (Link), and as very much even referencing Kenya/Dahomey/Benin too, or that on Pax Africana (Link), and as in all even referencing the Congo, or speak in all again and of the Compu-List.Africa Blog (Link), and as in all ways even referencing Nigeria too that is. This Blog though, will attempt in all, and to reference the Ashanti/Akan/Ghana world so to speak, and as versus speak in all even, and of a said believed favourable manner in all and of viewing Africa that is, and as believed said even Western/Victorian, and that does speak of referencing Africa in all, and from speak too of Cameroon/Igboid/Igbo-Bantu Identity that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

In all, Symbology, and as believed said even, what does make the Ashanti/Akan world, and of great interest perhaps, and to many who do study Africa in all, and from a Sentimental perspective too, and one too, and that does speak even and of African Definitions of Time in itself, and as often associated and with speak of African/Egyptian Oracles in themselves that is.

What is Symbology though? From an African Religious perspective, base speak here, and of what some do term 'Iaw Pele' for instance. This definition though, is not believed said the best,  and in speak of Clarity too, and as  a basic perspective in all perhaps, and of all this, does speak even and of whom or who in all we are, and when thinking along the lines in all, and of Inclusionism and Exclusionism too that is. That in all, on defining oneself and in speak of Inclusivity/Exclusivity, one can then in all find a Name/Symbol for instance, and to go along in all again, and with ones views of oneself and as such that is. This though, is believed said even, one of the more basic manners of defining Symbology in itself, and as Symbology, and as something truly said African in all, does in all even refer, and to speak, and of the 'unknown' but highly praised world in all again, and of the African Poet, and as with he even believed said to truly surpass he said Greek, Egyptian or Roman/Italian too, Shakespeare in himself, Middleton too, and in speak of the African Unconscious that is. A truly wonderful, marvelous, crazy World in all, the study of Symbology, and as versus that which does speak of Mythos (Myth, Mythology, Mythic) too that is, and as Symbology in all, is believed said Civilization in itself, and as speaking of the Pyramids in Egypt too for instance [that this in all, should not disconcert or make one feel belittled too, and as the very world of Symbology, and the African Unconscious too, is simply said widely varying in all, and away from speak of the Pyramids in Egypt that is][and in speak here too of a many a belief, and held by many too, and who do know of Civilization and as said even Symbolical in its ways, that the ancients in all, did in all recognize the power of Egypt, and in speak now and of defining Human Value, Worth or even Dignity/Merit/Benefit in all that is, and away from speak of Egyptian History in itself too] [and all this too, and as speaking in all even, and of the very History of Oppression and in History in itself, and in speak of those who do understand what Human Value, Human Worth or Human Dignity and in itself in all, does truly represent for or stand for for instance, and that in all even, true Power in itself, does speak of dealing or in all again very much discerning, what Human Value, Worthy and Dignity in all, are said to truly speak of in all perhaps, and in basic speak here for instance, and of what does constitute for Pain, Suffering or even speak of the After-life in itself too that is][or further speak too even, and of words/terms and such as 'Geek' or 'Nerd' too for instance].

In all, Africa, and in speak too of the Celebrity in himself, and as perhaps helping unveil in all even, a whole new Civilization, and for those in all again for instance, who do truly understand what Mythos (Myth, Mythology, Mythic) does truly represent/mean in all (and in speak too for instance and of Tricksters and the path/road to Success), and as Symbology in all again, is often said truly associated, and with History and as associated, and with speak of not only Proverbs & Sayings in themselves, but speak too perhaps, and of the name Anonymous too that is [that the Trickster in all, is Historically simply said Greek, that Symbology and in speak of Name only, does in all even speak of Italy for instance, but that what we are trying to get at here is that, History, is not a well understood Subject in all perhaps, and to many a person too, and unless viewed and from speak even of ancient or traditional norms in all, and of Human Worth, Human Value, or even Human Dignity too perhaps, and such that, History, and as viewed as such, does speak even of Genetic lines for instance, and speak too, and of the very belief that, we do evolve out of 'this World' so to speak, and onwards to a destination and of our preference in all perhaps, and in speaking of Religious Diversity and on this Earth too that is].

In all, speak here perhaps, and of History now, and as best perceived and from speak even of many a Milestone perhaps, and as versus speak of Monuments/Events, Heritage, society or even speak of Figures too that is.